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See What's in my Beer Cellar!

Mar 29, 2003

Who Wants to Drink a Chipotle Chile Beer? #3: Afterburner Wheat

Yes, I admit it. This label just goes way overboard. Too cluttered. But I had just found these cool “Fink Fonts” based on the lettering in the Ed “Big Daddy” Roth cartoons, plus clip art! What else could I do.
Meantime, I couldn’t quite get the beer to ferment out completely; it’s less than 3% alcohol. I smoked the chipotles myself, and this is my first batch using the Northern Brewer hops I planted in 2002.
Afterburner won third place in the first round of the American Homebrewers Association’s National Homebrew Competition. It failed to place, though, at the finals at the AHA’s 2003 National Homebrewers Conference in Chicago. Here’s a .txt file of the recipe, with judge’s comments.

Brewed 2/22/03 - Bottle Conditioned 3/29/03 ~ O.G. 1.042, F.G. 1.020

Feb 8, 2003

Naked Lady Label Munich Dark Lager

I tried out a kit beer with 5 gallons of pre-hopped wort, so instead of elaborately describing what I put into it, I put something more interesting on the bottle. Actually, the kit came with dried ale yeast, so I used actual lager yeast instead and cleared a space in my beer fridge to properly lager the brew at 42°F. I also slipped half a cup of molasses in to boost the gravity just a little bit.

After my near-entanglement with the KI<><> Army of Litigants, I decided not to just swipe some possibly copyrighted art or photo. Finally, those art classes in college paid off! I drew this myself during the one class when we actually had a model. So this art is all ©Mark McDermott (and the model probably has grandkids by now). Brewed December, 2002, bottle-conditioned and designed February, 2003.

Sorry if this may be seen as inappropriate, but I figure you see a lot worse than this decaled to the rear windows of pickup trucks, like those smirky Calvin & Hobbes rip-offs with pants down, peeing on logos for other trucks.